Ineffective breathing pattern related to the swelling of the nasal mucosa wallcharacterized by: shortness of breath, breath with the lips, there rhinitis. 4. Acute pain associated with gastric irritationcharacterized by: abdominal pain, looked grimacing while holding stomach. 5. Impaired skin integrity associated with changes in circulationcharacterized by: swelling and itching of the surface and the nose, there are hives, urticaria, and runny nose. As people grow old, they become weaker and their health deteriorates significantly. My husband and I got a very good laugh over this article. We were anticipating something a bit more enlightening and artistic. I go to the beach to clear, or to litter my head, mostly in the course of the week when it’s less crowded. Bonfires are great, but in California, it’s freezing at night at the beach, it has to be a big fire. But way fun. well i wish i could use those ideas but i can’t because it is cold too cold to visit the beack. The data for this study came from “Economic incentives, values, and subjective wellbeing analysis task of the Survey Research Center of the Institute of Social Research, the University of Michigan 1975”. The survey based data were gathered using a multistage area opportunity sampling technique where each data point came from a person who was as a minimum 18 years old and hired. Like the first two reviews the questions were scale based and represented perceptions about their wage and their relative satisfaction. As in the 1st two reviews, the highest predictor of wage satisfaction was in accordance with the income level itself and comparisons with both identical and diverse occupations predicted variability in wage satisfaction Sweeney and McFarlin, 2005. This study was researched as a way to mirror the results of Study 3 and pulled data from an identical University of Michigan analysis project while using an entirely alternative sample using an identical 18 and older and employed criteria. The outcomes and conclusions were an analogous as Study 3.